juli 2019

Box system of Dutch taxation

2022-07-20T10:50:00+02:0020 juli 2019|Former TTT-Group|

Taxable income is divided into three categories or “Boxes”. Different tax rates and regimes apply to the taxable income per Box. Designated and permitted deductions related to the income in each Box, reduce the income in that particular Box. Deductions (or losses) belonging to one Box cannot (generally) be used [...]

Dutch Gift & Inheritance Tax

2022-07-20T10:45:38+02:0020 juli 2019|Former TTT-Group|

Residency For the purpose of Dutch gift and inheritance tax, the residence of the donor or deceased is relevant; not where the assets are located nor where the recipient is resident. In principle, if someone residing in the Netherlands gifts an asset to someone resident elsewhere or if someone dies [...]

juli 2017

9 myths about the 183-days-rule

2022-07-20T10:47:51+02:0020 juli 2017|Former TTT-Group|

Many people dealing with global mobility have heard about the 183-days-rule. People who have been expats themselves, or know people who have been on international assignments, may tell you at the golf or tennis club that everything is fine, as long as you do not work more than 183 days [...]

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