With effect from June 1, 2013 the Modern Migration Policy (MoMi) will become effective. As a result the TEV procedure (Admission and Residence Procedure) will be introduced. This means that the MVV application can be filed together with the Dutch residence permit application, while the candidate is still abroad. Under the Modern Migration Policy sponsors fulfil an important role. For most applications legal entities need to have themselves authorised first. Thereafter they may submit residence applications on behalf of a foreign national and can also lodge objections and appeals. Although this sponsorship provides certain benefits, sponsors will also have more legal obligations. Besides the IND will have more possibilities to act against sponsors and foreign nationals who do not fulfil their legal obligations (maximum fine for a first offence is set at EUR 3,000, but the authorization of the sponsor can also be withdrawn).
Finally, please note that companies which are currently registered as highly skilled migrant employer, will not automatically be registered as sponsor after June 1, 2013.
The above only highlights a few important (of many) changes.
Might you require additional information regarding MoMi or appreciate personal explanation, please do not hesitate to contact us.