July 2020

VAT entrepreneurship members of committees

2020-07-27T07:57:43+02:0027 July 2020|General|

The Dutch Supreme Court has recently ruled that a member of an advisory committee (‘bezwaaradviescommissie’) is not acting as VAT entrepreneur. The Court judges that the activities by this individual member do not take place in its own name, for its own account nor under its own responsibility. As a [...]

Effect of 30% ruling not being applied in payroll

2020-07-23T08:54:03+02:0023 July 2020|General|

If the 30% ruling is granted but not applied in the payroll, this means that the reimbursement for extra-territorial costs is not labeled as a final levy component. In such case the reimbursement is taxable income. An objection and appeal against the withholding were rejected. According to the District Court [...]

Dutch residence permit for all UK nationals and their family members

2020-07-02T08:08:26+02:002 July 2020|General|

If you are a British national or a family member of a British national, your right of residence in the Netherlands will not change during the transition period, from February 1, 2020 up to and including December 31, 2020. However, as of January 1, 2021, you need a Dutch residence [...]

June 2020

Notification obligation international posting (WagwEU) #2

2020-06-29T10:18:26+02:0029 June 2020|General|

Now that the international economy is slowly starting up again and countries are reopening their borders, we would like to remind you of the reporting obligation that applies in the Netherlands from 1 March 2020. Foreign employers who post employees from a member state of the European Union or EEA/Switzerland [...]

COVID-19 #14 | Germany temporarily lowers VAT rates as of 1 July

2020-06-08T15:20:03+02:008 June 2020|General|

As part of the corona measures, agreement has been reached in Germany on various measures. One of these is a temporary reduction in VAT rates. The standard rate of 19% is reduced to 16%, the 7% rate is reduced to 5%. This regime will be in place on July 1, [...]

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