June 2020

COVID-19 #13 | Attention! Deadline for application NOW 1.0 expires this Friday 5 June

2020-06-03T12:25:19+02:003 June 2020|General|

The Dutch corona measure NOW 1.0 which provides employers with a substantial compensation for labour costs for the months March, April and May is about to expire. Applications can still be submitted up to and including Friday 5 June 2020. Applications for NOW 2.0 covering the months of June, July, [...]

May 2020

COVID-19 #12 | Adjustments of Dutch Government support measures (NOW)

2020-05-25T14:26:35+02:0025 May 2020|General|

The Dutch government has announced changes to the first tranche of the Emergency Package to Support Jobs and the Economy (NOW). More companies are now eligible for the scheme that came into effect on 2 April. Furthermore, the application period has been extended from May 31 to Friday June 5. [...]

Introduction new VAT E-commerce legislation postponed

2020-05-13T13:47:49+02:0013 May 2020|General|

It was scheduled to change the VAT legislation in the field of E-commerce per January 1, 2021. The change mainly affects shipments from outside the EU (especially China), whereby VAT will become due on all these sales. This is not yet the case: on the one hand, as there is [...]

COVID-19 #11 | Employee does not meet the salary requirement

2020-05-05T14:45:49+02:005 May 2020|General|

If an employer is entitled to the working time reduction scheme  and as a result a non-EU employee temporarily does not meet the salary requirement, the Inspectorate SZW temporarily does not fine the employer for not meeting the salary requirement as one of the conditions for a Dutch residence permit. [...]

COVID-19 #10 | NOW also for companies with a non Dutch bank account number

2020-05-05T10:07:38+02:005 May 2020|General|

The Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (NOW) is updated. It is now possible to make the application with a non Dutch SEPA bank account number. An Employer with a non Dutch bank account number needed to complete his application with a Dutch bank account number within four weeks. [...]

April 2020

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