November 2019

Annual review 30% ruling salary requirement (2019)

2019-11-04T14:35:16+01:004 November 2019|General|

To qualify for the 30% ruling employees must have specific expertise. This condition is fulfilled if the taxable salary during the term of the arrangement -i.e. continuously- meets the salary criterion. For 2019, the taxable salary must be more than EUR 37,743 and more than EUR 28,690 for employees holding [...]

October 2019

New Dutch VAT number for sole proprietorships

2019-10-23T13:58:49+02:0023 October 2019|General|

Do you have a sole proprietorship? In that case, you can expect a letter from the Dutch tax office shortly. The letter will mention a new Dutch VAT-identification number that is no longer related to your citizen service number (so-called: BSN). You must use this new VAT-identification number from 1 [...]

Expiration transition rule EU-regulation social security

2019-10-15T13:45:46+02:0015 October 2019|General|

On May 1, 2010 EU Regulation 883/04 entered into force. This Regulation coordinates in each country whether and where someone working within Europe is socially insured. There is, however, a transition ruling under which the allocation rules of the old EU Regulation (1408/71) remain in force, as long as the [...]

September 2019

Ruling Dutch state aid Starbucks

2019-09-24T15:26:08+02:0024 September 2019|General|

The European Commission suspected that the Netherlands provided unauthorised state aid to Starbucks. The European Court has now decided that the European Commission was in the wrong. Assumptions were that Starbucks was making too little profit (and thus were paying less taxes) in the Netherlands, as Starbucks purchased relatively expensive [...]

New immigration regulation for start-up companies

2019-09-13T11:44:33+02:0013 September 2019|General|

New immigration regulation to attract international talent for start-up companies Start-up companies recruiting international talent from outside the European Union cannot always make use of the current knowledge migrant regulation, due to their financial situation and the high salary thresholds. Moreover, employees working for a start-up company frequently benefit from [...]

July 2019

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