June 2019

The Netherlands and Switzerland amend tax treaty

2019-06-18T13:45:24+02:0018 June 2019|General|

The Netherlands and Switzerland have amended their tax treaty in a protocol. New agreements have been made against tax avoidance, as well as with regard to the taxation rights on pensions. An anti-abuse clause has been included that prevents the benefits of the treaty from being used solely to avoid [...]

April 2019

Proposed policy expansion highly skilled migrants

2019-04-09T06:57:42+02:009 April 2019|General|

Proposed policy expansion highly skilled migrants Following recent research, recommendations and suggestions for improvement of the highly skilled migrant scheme are currently being investigated by the State Secretary. The aim is to make the Netherlands even more attractive as a country of residence for highly skilled migrants. Proposed policy improvements [...]

March 2019

Brexit: British driver’s license & 30%ruling implications #3

2019-03-27T16:24:43+01:0027 March 2019|General|

Brexit: British driver’s license & 30% ruling implications One week ago, the EU27 approved a short extension of Brexit, providing the UK with some much needed additional time to come with a clear Brexit strategy. At this point, however, is still unclear how and when the UK will leave the [...]

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