January 2019

IND reduces administrative fees as of 1 January 2019

2019-01-15T16:24:26+01:0015 January 2019|General|

The administrative fees for the application procedures with the IND for 2019 have been announced. Overall, the fees will increase with 1.7% as compared to 2018, but there are some notable exceptions: first application highly skilled migrant/ICT: ​​€285 (2018: €582) first application/extension family member: ​​€171 (2018: ​​€240) first application EU [...]

December 2018

Salary criteria 30% ruling 2019 and transitional arrangement for existing 30% ruling grants

2018-12-28T09:44:21+01:0028 December 2018|General|

The salary criteria for the 30% ruling as per January 2019 are: The annual taxable salary for an employee must be more than EUR 37,743 (2018: EUR 37,296). The taxable salary for an employee with a master degree and who is younger than 30 years, must be more than EUR [...]

2019 Salary requirements highly skilled migrants

2018-12-05T09:31:51+01:005 December 2018|General|

The new salary requirements for highly skilled migrants, Intra-Corporate Transferees (ICT) and European Blue Card holders for 2019 have been announced and are as follows*: Highly skilled migrants, 30 years and older: EUR 4,500. Highly skilled migrants under 30 years: EUR 3,299. Highly skilled migrants who graduated in the Netherlands [...]

November 2018

New in 2019: highest (‘anonymous’) tax rate if no foreign address / special wage tax tables

2018-11-30T15:40:18+01:0030 November 2018|General|

As of January 1, 2019, more wage tax tables will be introduced in order to distinguish between the following groups of employees. 1. Dutch residents employees who have their permanent residence in the Netherlands. 2. Non-residents of the Netherlands employees who are residents of other EU Member States or of [...]

October 2018

‘Incidental’ work under Working Holiday Programmes

2018-10-31T08:14:34+01:0031 October 2018|General|

With a number of countries, The Netherlands has bilateral Memoranda of Understanding containing a clause on Working Holiday Programmes (“WHP”). Under a WHP, people under 31 years of age can spend a year in the Netherlands to experience the culture and society. ‘Incidental’ work activity is allowed, to finance the [...]

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