September 2018

Doubts about the VAT entrepreneurship of supervisory board members

2018-09-12T07:31:17+02:0012 September 2018|General|

As of January 1, 2013 a supervisory board member of a foundation is deemed to be a VAT entrepreneur. The Court of Appeal in Den Bosch is in doubt about this with a supervisory board member of a foundation who’s labour- and remuneration conditions are subordinate to the supervisory board. [...]

August 2018

Proposed Changes European Social Security

2018-08-01T10:37:58+02:001 August 2018|General|

Last month, the Permanent Representatives Committee of the EU member states agreed the European Commission’s proposal to amend the EC regulations for social security. The most noticeable changes in the allocation rules are the following: The period that an employee must be covered by the legislation of the Member State [...]

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