July 2018

Secretary of Finance has no intention to adjust the proposed changes of the 30% ruling

2018-07-17T12:01:46+02:0017 July 2018|General|

As most of you probably already know, it has been proposed to reduce the duration period of the 30% ruling from 8 to 5 years as of January 1, 2019. Many companies, organizations and expats have already expressed their concerns regarding this proposed reduction, especially because it also applies to [...]

Tax consequences of dismissal to be judged on objective criteria.

2018-07-04T14:29:53+02:004 July 2018|General|

On 22 June 2018, the Supreme Court issued a ruling on the relevance of dismissal schemes under a Social Plan. The case concerned an employer agreed Social Plan with the trade unions in the context of a reorganisation. In the Social Plan, the redundant employees were designated according to the [...]

May 2018

April 2018

Lower legal fees IND

2018-04-26T09:48:20+02:0026 April 2018|General|

As a result of a court case by the European Commission against the Netherlands regarding the high application fees for permits imposed by the Dutch Immigration Authorities (IND),  various fees will be decreased considerably as per May 3, 2018. For example: fees for highly skilled migrant and ICT applications are [...]

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