April 2017

Qualifying Master Degree – 30% ruling

2017-04-11T06:45:07+02:0011 April 2017|General|

Employees wanting to qualify for the 30% ruling based on the lower salary criterion of more than EUR 28.125 per annum (2017), must be younger than 30 years and need to have a qualifying Master Degree. The Dutch Tax Authorities use a list -evaluated by NUFFIC- with qualifying and non-qualifying [...]

March 2017

Mortgage deduction in the Netherlands for property abroad

2017-03-21T08:20:10+01:0021 March 2017|General|

A resident of Spain earning 60% of his income in The Netherlands and 40% in Switzerland can deduct mortgage interest for his Spanish dwelling from his Dutch taxable income. This was recently decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The taxpayer cannot deduct all Spanish interest in the Netherlands, [...]

February 2017

Notification re Country-by-Country (CbC) reporting 2016

2017-02-02T09:49:57+01:002 February 2017|General|

A Dutch resident company which belongs to a group with a consolidated turnover in excess of € 750 million in 2015 is required to file a notification with the Dutch Revenue before 1st September 2017. This notification -inter alia- entails that the Dutch company itself is the CbC reporting entity [...]

December 2016

New salary requirements and administrative charges highly skilled migrants/ICT – 2017

2016-12-29T15:05:13+01:0029 December 2016|General|

The salary requirements for highly skilled migrants, European Blue Card holders and Intra Corporate Transferees (ICT - see our 22 November NewsFlash - https://www.limes-int.nl/eu-richtlijn-intra-corporate-transferees-ict/) for 2017 are: Highly skilled migrants/ICT of 30 years and older: EUR 4,324 gross per month excl. holiday allowance. Highly skilled migrants/ICT younger than 30 years: [...]

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