April 2016

Authorized sponsorship not valid for indefinite period

2016-04-13T06:48:58+02:0013 April 2016|General|

As of April 1, 2016 the registration as authorized sponsor is no longer valid for an indefinite period. If the status as authorized sponsor is not actively used for 3 years, the IND may withdraw the registration. For new highly skilled migrants a new application will then have to be [...]

Dutch dividend withholding tax not always a final levy

2016-04-11T06:50:29+02:0011 April 2016|General|

Normally, Dutch dividend withholding tax is a final levy for Dutch non-resident individual taxpayers. However, the Dutch Supreme court has decided that the tax withheld should be refunded to the extent it exceeds the Dutch personal income tax that would have been due if the recipient was a Dutch resident [...]

March 2016

Dutch taxation and foreign social security contributions

2016-03-30T07:28:16+02:0030 March 2016|General|

Employees subject to Dutch taxation but not subject to social security in the Netherlands, may face taxation of their foreign social contributions. The Ministry of Finance has given an update earlier this year about how the social contributions of various countries should be classified for tax purposes in the Netherlands. [...]

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