May 2015

International termination payment – Changed point of view

2015-05-26T09:19:28+02:0026 May 2015|General|

According to the Dutch Supreme Court the right to levy tax on international termination payments had to be allocated, in short, in accordance with the employment history over the period of 4 years preceding the termination date. Recently the Dutch State Secretary of Finance has decided that for the allocation [...]

Work permit requirements Japanese citizens: update

2015-05-08T11:49:46+02:008 May 2015|General|

Japanese citizens may work in the Netherlands without a work permit. To obtain a residence permit, employers can apply for the special regime for highly skilled migrants. In that case they will need to comply with all conditions attached. If, however, an employer decides to apply for a regular residence [...]

April 2015

Automatic exchange of information as of January 1, 2015

2015-04-17T10:43:13+02:0017 April 2015|General|

As of January 1, 2015 EU Member States shall automatically exchange information regarding income from employment, director fees, life insurance products, pensions and income from immovable property with the EU Member States where taxpayers reside. This underlines the importance of being compliant in relation to cross border activities.

March 2015

Again an unexpected income tax bill in 2015?

2015-03-06T09:02:59+01:006 March 2015|General|

Many people owe unexpected additional income tax for 2014. This is because last year the general tax credit and the employment tax credit became income related, while this was not yet fully taken into account in the wage tax tables for the payroll. This was especially true for special payments [...]

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