May 2014

Employer contribution health insurance tax-free

2014-05-08T09:56:45+02:008 May 2014|General|

As of January 1, 2013 the income related health care premium became a cost for the employer. This does not constitute taxable wage for the employee. The same applies to comparable employer contributions to foreign mandatory health insurance systems. Recently this was confirmed by a decision of the Dutch State [...]

April 2014

Employer’s levy high wages also due in 2014

2014-04-04T11:03:46+02:004 April 2014|General|

Employers must pay the 16% employer's levy within one month after the tax period covering 31 March 2014. This levy is due insofar as an employee's wage from present employment in 2013 exceeded EUR 150,000. Wage on which the Netherlands were not allowed to levy wage tax, e.g. on the [...]

March 2014

January 2014

Introduction RNI (“Registratie Niet Ingezetenen”)

2014-01-13T15:11:11+01:0013 January 2014|General|

Persons who do not stay or stay less than four months in the Netherlands are classified as "non-residents". These include frontier workers, (supervisory) directors or people who live abroad and enjoy a Dutch pension or receive a salary. In dealings with the Dutch government, they often require a BSN (“Burger [...]

New year’s letter payroll 2014

2014-01-08T07:40:26+01:008 January 2014|General|

The LIMES international team wishes you a happy and successful 2014! Looking back at 2013 from a tax perspective it was an interesting year for employers. For 2014 there are again some substantial regulatory changes in the area of payroll taxes. It is clear now which of the announced changes [...]

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