October 2013

Tax measures 2014

2013-10-11T09:43:28+02:0011 October 2013|General|

Among others, the following measures in Dutch tax law are being proposed for 2014. - The employer's levy of 16% on wages exceeding EUR 150,000 will be continued in 2014, based on the taxable wage of 2013. - As per January 1, 2014 the exemption for a right to receive [...]

VAT return notice to disappear

2013-10-03T11:31:19+02:003 October 2013|General|

Dutch taxpayers are accustomed to receiving notices by mail from the tax authorities that they should file the VAT return and pay the tax before a specific date. The tax authorities will discontinue this service as of January 1, 2014. The VAT declaration letter with the girocard will already disappear [...]

September 2013

30% ruling and condition 150 kilometres, actions

2013-09-09T10:31:47+02:009 September 2013|General|

One of the conditions to be eligible for the 30% ruling is that the employee was living more than 150 kilometres from the Dutch border during a period exceeding two-thirds of the 24 months period prior to the start of the employment. Recently, the Dutch Supreme Court has asked the [...]

July 2013

Nieuwe website LIMES international

2013-07-25T15:39:23+02:0025 July 2013|General|

Met trots presenteert LIMES international haar nieuwe website. Nu met een nog meer persoonlijke benadering laten wij u zien wat wij voor u kunnen betekenen. Niet alleen het uiterlijk is compleet vernieuwd. De website is namelijk nu, naast het Engels, ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar. Daarnaast is de website van [...]

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