April 2013

March 2013

Repayment of the overpayment of paid legal fees

2013-03-08T07:11:57+01:008 March 2013|General|

With regard to our NewsFlash regarding the reduced legal fees of March 4, 2013, we hereby inform you that the Dutch Immigration Authorities will start repaying the overpayment of the legal fees automatically early March 2013. It is not required to ask for repayment in writing or by telephone. The [...]

Various legal fees IND reduced per 1 February 2013

2013-03-04T07:06:41+01:004 March 2013|General|

Please be informed that the Dutch Immigration Authorities (IND) have published the following reduced legal fees per 1 February 2013. Family members of a highly skilled migrant The legal fees for the following applications for family members of a highly skilled migrant are reduced to € 225,- per application: - [...]

February 2013

Levy interest becomes tax interest

2013-02-12T11:47:26+01:0012 February 2013|General|

As of January 1, 2013 the "levy interest" is replaced by "tax interest". The new regulation is applicable for tax years/bookyears starting as of 2012. For personal income tax and corporate income tax the interest will be calculated during the period that starts 6 months after the end of the [...]

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