June 2021

VAT entrepreneurship for committee members / members of supervisory boards

2021-06-07T10:39:20+02:007 June 2021|General|

In 2020, the Dutch Supreme Court ruled that a member of an objection advisory committee does not act as a VAT entrepreneur. According to the Court the work carried out is not done in his/her own name, not for his/her own account and not under his/her own responsibility. This means [...]

May 2021

Online event with Dr. Anthony Fauci | The John Adams Institute

2021-05-21T12:54:28+02:0021 May 2021|General|

As a proud sponsor of The John Adams Institute, LIMES would like to bring their upcoming online event to your attention. On Tuesday May 25, they will welcome Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Chief Medical Advisor to the President of the United States, for a conversation about the Netherlands’ response to [...]

Sponsorship golf professional Darius van Driel

2021-05-04T12:24:25+02:004 May 2021|General|

LIMES international is proud to announce a sponsorship with golf professional Darius van Driel. This sponsorship highlights the connection between LIMES and golf. It underlines our shared values of excelling in all aspects and constantly striving for excellence. More about Darius: Darius started playing golf at the age of 11. [...]

March 2021

COVID-19 #18 | Netherlands’ agreement with Belgium extended until 1 July 2021

2021-03-31T07:29:44+02:0031 March 2021|General|

Since 11 March 2020, the Netherlands and Belgium have a temporary agreement on the taxation of cross-border workers in salaried employment. Based on this agreement, a resident of a country, who normally works in the other country, but has to work at home as a result of Covid-19 measures, may [...]

Aftermovie Rebecca Henderson – Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire

2021-03-22T12:11:15+01:0022 March 2021|General|

"Businesses should take more responsibility for the society in which they operate. A strong and thriving society is solely in their interest." -  Rebecca Henderson During this digital event, prominent economist and influential professor, Rebecca Henderson spoke about her book Reimagining Capitalism in a World on Fire. She then continued [...]

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