The salary requirements for highly skilled migrants and European Blue Card holders for 2018 are:
- Highly skilled migrants of 30 years and older: EUR 4,404 gross per month excl. holiday allowance.
- Highly skilled migrants younger than 30 years: EUR 3,229 gross per month excl. holiday allowance.
- Highly skilled migrants who graduated in the Netherlands at higher education or university level or graduated at one of the designated universities from the top 200 ranking and who have started working as highly skilled migrant within 3 years after graduation: EUR 2,314 gross per month excl. holiday allowance.
- European Blue Card holder: EUR 5,160 gross per month excl. holiday allowance.
Officially, there is no salary requirement for ICT (Intra-Corporate Transfer) applications, however in practice the salary requirements for highly skilled migrants are used.
Furthermore, the salary for ICT migrants, highly skilled migrants and blue card holders should be at market level at all times.
The administrative charges for the applications for 2018 are:
- Highly skilled migrant: EUR 938 (first time application), EUR 401 (extension) and EUR 240 (family member).
- Scientific researcher Directive 2005/71/EC: EUR 321.
- European Blue Card holder: EUR 909.
Please note that the above mentioned salary requirements and fees only apply for applications received by the IND on or after January 1, 2018.