Now that the international economy is slowly starting up again and countries are reopening their borders, we would like to remind you of the reporting obligation that applies in the Netherlands from 1 March 2020.
Foreign employers who post employees from a member state of the European Union or EEA/Switzerland to work in the Netherlands are obliged to report this to the Dutch authorities.
The foreign employer (service provider) must report this, a copy of which is automatically shared with the Dutch hirer (service recipient). The Dutch hirer has an obligation to check the notification and to report inaccuracies or not receiving the copy within five working days after the start of the activities in the Netherlands. Failure to report or incomplete reporting of the employment in question can be punished with a fine.
Not every assignment must be reported. There are a number of exempted categories of employees. In the Netherlands a reporting obligation also applies for self-employed persons.
The notification must be made through the online notification portal.