February 2015

Work permit no longer required for Japanese citizens

2015-02-17T11:22:03+01:0017 February 2015|General|

On 24 December 2014 the highest Dutch administrative court (Raad van State) decided that Japanese citizens are allowed to work in the Netherlands without the need for a work permit (TWV). Under the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and the Netherlands Japanese nationals should be treated similar to [...]

BGL Postponed

2015-02-05T15:39:44+01:005 February 2015|General|

In our earlier NewsFlash we informed you that it was proposed to replace the VAR (Notification re. self-employment) in 2015 with a BGL (Notification that no wage tax is due). However, the handling of the bill is postponed until further notice. Practically, this means that the VAR 2014 will still [...]

January 2015

New salary criteria 30% ruling 2015

2015-01-07T14:09:25+01:007 January 2015|General|

The salary criteria for the 30% ruling as per January 2015 are as follows: - The annual taxable salary for an employee must be more than EUR 36,705 (2014: EUR 36,378). - The taxable salary for an employee with a master’s degree and who is younger than 30 years, must [...]

December 2014

New salary requirements highly skilled migrants – 2015

2014-12-28T23:00:51+01:0028 December 2014|General|

The salary requirements for highly skilled migrants as per January 2015 are as follows: Highly skilled migrants of 30 years and older: EUR 4,189 gross per month excl. holiday allowance. Highly skilled migrants younger than 30 years: EUR 3,071 gross per month excl. holiday allowance. Highly skilled migrants who graduated [...]

Changes in the civic integration exam abroad

2014-12-16T23:00:03+01:0016 December 2014|General|

Per 1 November 2014 the civic integration exam taken abroad will change. The main change is that the examination will no longer be taken by phone but through the computer. The current three tests are renamed: speaking, reading and knowledge of Dutch society. Under the new regulations it is possible [...]

16% employer levy on high wage not applicable to bonus payment

2014-12-10T08:03:36+01:0010 December 2014|General|

Last week on 4 December the Dutch court of Noord-Holland decided the 16% employer levy on high wage was in contradiction with the 'principle of foreseeability'. The levy related to a bonus payment made in February 2012 which was before the first indication of the envisaged introduction of the employer [...]

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