As of 15 December 2020, 18:00 hours, passengers who arrive in the Netherlands by air or sea from a country outside the EU/Schengen area that is not on the EU ‘safe countries of origin’ list and who are exempt from the EU travel ban must be able to provide an official negative COVID-19 test result and a completed and signed negative test declaration. These documents must be shown to the airline or (cruise) ship/ferry company, and to the Royal Military and/or Border Police (Koninklijke Marechaussee) in the Netherlands. For more details regarding these additional measures, we advise you to visit this website.
At this time the negative-test requirement does not apply to Dutch nationals and EU/Schengen citizens and their family members travelling or returning from outside the EU/Schengen area.
Furthermore, as 15 December 2020 the Netherlands is in lockdown up to and including 19 January 2021. Therefore, among others, do not book any foreign travel until mid-March at the earliest and to not travel abroad. More information regarding the lockdown, please visit this website. Should you, despite all restrictions, travel abroad, please note that if you cannot return, this may have consequences for you and your employer.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and stay safe!