As of 1 July the new VAT rules with regard to e-commerce will come into effect. Web shops are faced with direct levy of VAT in other EU member states, which VAT can be declared via a separate declaration (the One Stop Shop declaration). Web shops must therefore be aware of the applicable VAT rates in the other EU member states.
In a number of cases, foreign VAT registrations remain mandatory. A separate regulation will apply to the import of products sold to private individuals, if the value of the shipment does not exceed EUR 150.
In certain situations, platforms such as Amazon also become liable for VAT and the webshop is no longer the one that has to pay VAT itself.
Finally, the One Stop Shop declaration can also be used when providing services to private individuals in the EU. All in all, a good reason to contact us to assess your situation and advise you how the new rules apply to your webshop.