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Restrictions for travel into the Netherlands

Contrary to recent updates we wish to clarify that as a result of most recent publications from the Dutch government it can be concluded that the travel restrictions which will become more strict as of 23 January do not affect the right of (regular) highly skilled migrants from outside the [...]

2021-01-22T09:16:16+01:0022 January 2021|General|

COVID-19 #17 | 30% allowance is not a part of the NOW wage sum

The Temporary Emergency Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (NOW) provides compensation for wage costs for companies with a loss of turnover of at least 20%. The compensation is based on the wage sum. Recent case law has concluded that the 30% allowance is not part of the wage for NOW [...]

2021-01-19T15:43:22+01:0019 January 2021|General|

Main points of the Brexit deal and social security for cross-border workers

While the ink of the Brexit deal signed on 31 December 2020 is barely dry, we would like to inform you about the main points regarding the social security position when working across borders between the EU and the UK. For situations existing on or before 31 December 2020, the [...]

2021-01-04T16:38:02+01:004 January 2021|General|

COVID-19 #16 | Netherlands’ agreements with Germany and Belgium extended until 1 April 2020

Since 11 March 2020, the Netherlands has a temporary agreement with Germany and Belgium on the taxation of cross-border workers in salaried employment. Under the agreements, a resident of a country who normally works in the other country, but has to work from home as a result of Covid-19 measures, [...]

2020-12-23T08:45:47+01:0023 December 2020|General|
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