What’s new?

Highly skilled migrant job change options

New year, new opportunities? Did you know that you can work as a highly skilled migrant for a company without recognised sponsorship status, by involving a payrolling company? A payrolling company, which is registered as a recognised sponsor can employ you and allow you, under certain conditions, to change jobs [...]

2020-12-15T14:44:35+01:0015 December 2020|General|

Frontier worker’s document essential for British frontier workers

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) recently clarified under which conditions British frontier workers may continue to work after 31 December 2020. A frontier worker is someone who: has the British nationality and is already working as a frontier worker in the Netherlands before 1 January 2021 lives in the [...]

2020-12-10T12:43:55+01:0010 December 2020|General|

New salary requirements highly skilled migrants 2021

The salary requirements for highly skilled migrants, Intra-Corporate Transferees (ICT) and European Blue Card holders for 2021 have been announced and are as follows*: Highly skilled migrants/ICT of 30 years and older: EUR 4,752 Highly skilled migrants/ICT younger than 30 years: EUR 3,484 Highly skilled migrants who graduated in the [...]

2020-12-01T13:54:14+01:001 December 2020|General|

Annual review 30% ruling salary requirement 2020

In order to qualify for the 30% ruling, employees must have specific expertise, among other things. This condition is fulfilled if the taxable salary during the term of the 30% ruling continuously meets the salary criterion. For 2020, the taxable salary must exceed EUR 38,347 or EUR 29,149 for employees [...]

2020-11-25T10:38:33+01:0025 November 2020|General|

In doubt about the authenticity of Dutch residence permits?

The Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) has started issuing new Dutch residence permits. From various clients we have had questions about the authenticity of the new permits since they look quite different compared to the old (2012 design) permits. You can check the difference here. The old permits still [...]

2020-11-23T14:15:00+01:0023 November 2020|General|
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