What’s new?

‘Exporter of record’: intended starting date

Entrepreneurs who export goods from the Netherlands to a country outside the EU should submit an export declaration (or have it submitted) to Customs. This declaration indicates who the 'exporter of record' is. European customs regulations stipulate that such an 'exporter of record' should be established in the EU. The [...]

2020-11-20T12:04:41+01:0020 November 2020|General|

Check end date of 30% rulings issued before 1 January 2019!

As from 1 January 2019 the duration of the 30% ruling has been reduced from eight to five years. There is a transitional arrangement for the employees who were already granted the 30% ruling before said date. For those employees we strongly advise to verify this, determine the end date [...]

2020-11-18T09:32:50+01:0018 November 2020|General|

Arrange your Dutch residence permit after Brexit

UK nationals and/or their family members living or planning to start living in the Netherlands must apply for a Dutch residence permit prior to 1 January 2021. Before said date UK nationals can continue to live, work and study in the Netherlands without a residence permit. As of 1 January [...]

2020-10-16T08:56:10+02:0016 October 2020|General|

30 September 2020 the deadline for requesting a deferment of payment will expire

The Dutch Tax Authorities recently announced that companies have until 1 October 2020 to request a(nother) 3 month deferment of payment or to extend an earlier application. This is part of a series of measures to help taxpayers who are affected by the (financial) consequences of the coronavirus. If a [...]

2020-09-29T12:38:43+02:0029 September 2020|General|

Conditions reduced salary criteria broadened

The conditions to qualify for the reduced salary criteria were broadened in July, because of COVID-19. The reduced salary criteria now apply for people who have had a residence permit for ‘orientation year for highly educated people’ and who managed to find a job within 3 year after graduation and [...]

2020-09-14T15:13:31+02:0014 September 2020|General|
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