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COVID-19 #5 | International employment

International employment Which social security system is applicable when working at home due to coronavirus? The Dutch, Belgian and German authorities have agreed that the periods of working at home due to the coronavirus will not be taken into account for determining the applicable social security legislation for cross-border workers. [...]

2020-03-31T08:13:45+02:0031 March 2020|General|

COVID-19 #4 | Netherlands short-stay visa and residence permit extension

Netherlands short-stay visa and residence permit extension People who are staying in the Netherlands on a short-stay visa and cannot leave the country due the COVID-19 measures, can apply for an extension of their short-stay visa by telephone at the IND, since the extension of a visa currently cannot be [...]

2020-03-26T15:28:15+01:0026 March 2020|General|

COVID-19 #3 | No consequence corona measures international social security position

No consequence corona measures international social security position Because of the corona measures a lot of people are working from home or are having another international working schedule than they used to have. Last Friday the Dutch social security authorities (SVB) confirmed that the social security position of international workers [...]

2020-03-24T11:45:04+01:0024 March 2020|General|

COVID-19 #2 | Immigration, the Netherlands

Immigration, the Netherlands The European Union announced to temporarily close the borders as per March 19 in order to restrict non-essential travel in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Citizens of the EU, the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area and their family members, people with [...]

2020-03-20T13:05:23+01:0020 March 2020|General|

Statement COVID-19

Statement COVID-19 At the moment, individuals and organisations all over the world are facing big challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a great deal of uncertainty and we expect that you may have many questions. In times like these, LIMES international is ready to advise you and answer [...]

2020-03-16T17:23:01+01:0016 March 2020|General|

COVID-19 #1 | Deferral of payment for tax assessments due to coronavirus

Deferral of payment for tax assessments due to coronavirus If you have payment issues as a result of the coronavirus, you can request special deferral of payment from the Dutch Tax Authorities for all income tax, corporation tax, turnover tax (VAT) and payroll tax assessments. This option applies to all [...]

2020-03-16T15:44:50+01:0016 March 2020|General|
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