With regard to our NewsFlash regarding the reduced legal fees of March 4, 2013, we hereby inform you that the Dutch Immigration Authorities will start repaying the overpayment of the legal fees automatically early March 2013. It is not required to ask for repayment in writing or by telephone.
The Dutch Immigration Authorities will repay the overpayment of paid legal fees which are reduced for the applications mentioned in our NewsFlash of March 4, 2013. This is only applicable for applications filed for said purposes on or after October 9, 2012 or in case the Dutch Immigration Authorities had not made a decision on the application or you/the employee was still allowed to file an objection on said date.
Because of the large amount of repayments, the Dutch Immigration Authorities expect to have repaid all the overpayments of legal fees by the end of April. In case they do not have a bank account number available for repayment, for example because the legal fees were paid in cash, a letter will be sent to you or the employee in this respect. If you have not received a repayment or a letter from the Dutch Immigration Authorities early May and you assume to be entitled as well, please note that the Dutch Immigration Authorities can be contacted in this regard in due time. If our assistance is requested, please inform us accordingly.